Friday, March 27, 2009


She has come - as with every inch I feel him at a single touch, so I do with Her. The blue illumination is present - the glow pierces the black - She has alit and stands within the sacred space I have tried to provide. She is what I felt when I touched him - the absolute epitome of the essences as unmarred by any ridiculous psyche cases.

A poker runs down from my throat to my heart, burning the reality and ridding me of any straying debris. I am hit in a hailstorm, my skin is reshaped, smoothed out...I am no longer a structured human form - an outline maybe, elongating without any restraints. The wolves remain, circling their Mistress, eager for another jaunt, eager to find another leader standing amidst their plays.

She has reached inside me and turned a key - unblocking - unlocking - emitting what should be emitted - instead of closing my neck, She lets it dilate. No shame in blood from any opening. An it harm none - it's not injury when part of the journey, when it's for improvement.

I acquiesce willingly. This thirst is unsolicited.

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